Rima Najdi
Freitag, 22. Juli, 19 Uhr
Rima Najdi stammt aus Beirut (Libanon) und lebt aktuell in Berlin. Ihre Arbeiten sind partizipativ und finden oft auch im öffentlichen Raum statt. In Ihrer lecture perfromance zeigt sie Auszüge aus Ihrem fortlaufenden Projekt „dress me how you like“, in welchem sie Bilder und Stereotypen von der Arabischen Frau in Frage stellt.
Confession#1 is an ongoing work on a lecture performance that aims to research the imaginaire around Arab women created through their attire.
In this series I recycle material from a previous performance Dress ME how YOU like, wearing the clothes to travel to Lebanon from Berlin, Germany. Visit villages in the southern area of Lebanon pose next what became landmarks in 2006, make a costume party at a family dinner, then photoshop myself to some touristic destination in the Arab world. I kept a personal journal during the process. During the lecture I display the photos
and read from the personal journal.